Banda lux focuses on innovation

Banda lux focuses on innovation. I could t print the contract , it s not my fault that he s busy Guilty. The task was assign , but there was no result. You could print from another computer , go to the printing house around the corner , ask a colleague. The method of obtaining is not important , what matters is whether there is a result or not. Fourth rule if not done, it s your fault. What to do Sometimes failure is inevitable. An experienc specialist , sensing this , talks about the problem to the manager. Together they find a solution adjust the task , move the deadline, or cancel the task altogether.

How do BIM objects support

Hence the second rule if you feel. A failure , shout about it as early photo editing servies and loudly as possible. If a potential failure is not rays to the task director , then the performer will be to blame for the failure. No reasons count. Here’s another example. The manager has given you the task of preparing a colorful presentation. Illustrations for presentations are drawn by the designer. But he is busy with another project of the manager and did not make it on time. Who is guilty? You. The task was assign to you , but you fail to cope with it. Keep your reasons to yourself.

Meet the needs of architects

Fifth rule if there is a failure run to the manager. Test You ne to GI Lists write a review of a client’s product. But his PR person didn’t send you any photos. Question Is the task done. Who is guilty. You were ask to tell the designer to send off the logo. But the designer got it wrong. Question Is the task done? Who is guilty? Your manager has given you the task of preparing a market review by the evening. And later the director distract me with another project. You wrote a letter to the manager asking about a deadline shift.

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